Blogland forgive has been, I don't know, 3 WEEKS since my last post?
This is pretty typical for me. I am full of ideas and motivation to begin, but I am not a finisher.
I blame this on my mom (whom I love dearly), but, nevertheless, it is still her in me that causes this.
Here are a few things my mom had grand ideas of but, alas, never completed. By the way, these are not random ideas. She actually spends TIME working out all the details.
1. A money envelope system--way before Dave Ramsey. This lasted......maybe a month.
2. A coffee shop in Rockford that would be a ministry drop-in center. She even looked for vacant storefronts.
3. A mall for kids. Complete with busing from school districts so kids would have something to do and not get in so much trouble. She made me and my brother draw "plans."
4. A campground for needy children. My dad would take care of the grounds (yeah, right). Her musical friends would run the music program. My husband, a pastor, would teach. I would be the craft person (....cough.noway.cough....). She would be the camp cook. WHAT?
5. Her latest (no kidding, she told me just last week).......a restaurant/banquet center called "The Garden." Food for the restaurant would be grown in a garden on site. Tables would always have fresh flowers because they would be grown in the massive flower garden also on site (run by a good friend who did my wedding flowers, of course). Guest chefs would have a place to showcase their talents. Dinners would have themes--such as, a Colonial Christmas. Guests would arrive via horse-drawn sleigh wearing appropriate colonial attire. And every Sunday, homeless men, women, and children would have a gourmet meal prepared for them to enjoy.
My mom is a dreamer. Unfortunately, many of her plans usually begin with winning the lottery, which she refuses to play (but lets my dad, just in case).
So, when I say I'm going to do something and I am all excited about it.......give me a day or two, and it will go away. Just ask my husband. I am sure he could make a list for me.
A few things I said I was going to do, but didn't.......
1. My first blog....yes, this is my second.
2. A newsletter for moms. Spent hours and hours perfecting the first issue. Never gave it to anyone.
3. Volunteer at local public school. Even went to training, never met a kid.
4. Home school----oh wait, I'm still doing that. Whew.......
5. Bible study here, small group there, meal to a neighbor here, visit a shut-in there.......
If I neglect my blog posting, it's because I've neglected so many other things and I want to change that. I may be here. I may not. I hope to use this as a way to keep track of the new things God wants to show me as I commit more and more of myself to Him.
My first step.....turn the computer off and go cuddle with the kids.
6 years ago