I tend to forget what I've thought about from day to day--you see, I suffer from "mommy dementia." I do have certain risk factors...JK who is almost 7, LA who is 5 1/2, and EB, almost 4. The disease? disorder? disability? disgrace? is characterized by symptoms such as brain fog, forgetfulness, giving answers to questions I did not hear such as "Mom, can I have ice cream?" "Uh-huh." "Thanks, Mom!" "Wait, what did you just ask me?......oh, no then."
I have many moments of wondering, but I don't often remember what I wondered. I have many moments of delight, but I don't often remember what caused such delight. I decided, "I must write these down."
I thought about titling the blog "Random Delights" since that's what most of my thoughts consist of, but wouldn't you know it...somebody else in blog land has random delights too and writes about them on blogspot.
Which reminds me...I definitely don't have anything new to say. My thoughts are random. My thoughts are my delights. (Cue cheesy Twila Paris song..."My, my delight..You are my delight.)
But I know they will make me smile as I write and reread them. Maybe you will too.
Love your blog! Can't wait to read more!